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Thoughts to Share
Reflections and resources from our founder, personal development coach and executive coach, Lizzie Alberga. You'll find a holistic approach to work+life visioning and practical tools to help you succeed.

Lizzie Alberga
Oct 6, 20215 min read
You're Not Failing, You're Misdirected
If I told you it was absolutely possible to live the life you crave, what would your first thought be?

Lizzie Alberga
Sep 20, 20216 min read
Forget Coaching, This is What I'm Really Selling.
It’s not coaching that I need to sell. I’m selling what happens during and after coaching to the human spirit and mind.

Lizzie Alberga
May 20, 20216 min read
The 3 Steps to your Most Empowered Self
To be brave, means to have courage. To have courage means to have confidence. And confidence means to have belief in yourself. It’s not...

Lizzie Alberga
May 13, 20211 min read
The 5 Myths of Boundaries
Boundaries is a triggering word. If you ask 100 people if they are great at setting boundaries, 99.9 of them would shrug their shoulders....

Lizzie Alberga
Apr 21, 20213 min read
How to Get Budget for Your People Development Programs
HR and L&D leaders, this one is for you. I've been talking to many of you over the last few months about initiatives you are advocating...

Lizzie Alberga
Apr 14, 20213 min read
Self Discovery and Understanding Your Personal Process
If you've been following Collective Gain for a while, you may have heard me speak about the topic of self-discovery and how each of us...

Lizzie Alberga
Apr 7, 20214 min read
A Coaching Story: The Power of Patterns
Our patterns are powerful and can have a large effect on our life experiences. The only way to have power over them is to be aware of them.

Lizzie Alberga
Mar 31, 20215 min read
What is Coaching?
Coaching works to deliver the unique goal of a client.

Lizzie Alberga
Mar 25, 20215 min read
A Coaching Story: What's the Cost?
Ask yourself what the cost is to continue following the path that is leading you to a destination you’re not looking to reach.

Lizzie Alberga
Mar 10, 20212 min read
What to Ask When Hiring a Coach
From the coach's answers, you’ll understand their capacity of support and whether your investment will create lasting change.

Lizzie Alberga
Feb 25, 20214 min read
Why we do things we know are bad for us.
Learning to receive bliss is as important as chasing it.

Lizzie Alberga
Feb 3, 20217 min read
The Real Power of Having a Coach
You can’t really understand the value of having a coach until you experience it. This is why most coaches offer one to two hours of...

Lizzie Alberga
Jan 13, 20215 min read
Uncovering a Life-Changing Moment
How a single moment shifted how I experienced and lived my life for the next 20 years, and how I began to heal.

Lizzie Alberga
May 10, 20206 min read
The ROI of coaching.
Why do people hesitate to invest in coaching until after issues arise? It usually comes down to ROI. To be honest, I had the same...
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